Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday March 14, 2012

A day without dreaming
I have never had experiences like this before. I have never met so many people who filled my life with so much joy. Never have I been so blessed by people so filled with love. For the first time, I am learning what friendship really looks like, what it really means. I love the moments when we don't have to dream, because reality is so beautiful.

Fairy tales
Every girl loves a good conversation about love. Its funny really. The more experiences I have had with men, the more I have learned about myself. I’m not sure what it is about us girls and love. Its almost as if every woman believes in fairy tales- even if they don’t want to admit it. Because the truth is, we have all felt that magic, even if it was only for one night, in the perfect dress, with that perfect guy- and even after that night when the clock turned midnight and the pumpkin shriveled up and our prince charming never came searching for us; we tuck the sweetness of that night in our hearts- in the hope that one day the that magic will last forever. and it will; one day, it will last forever.

Fall away 
 It is so easy to get caught up in the future. To get swept up in worry: if I will ever pass my college math class, or how I am going to afford to go to India this summer, or what college I am going to after I finish my cores, or if I will have a healthy marriage, or how I will afford to live in this economy once I graduate....its scary, the future I mean. We are people of control. That is the funny thing; that we think we have any control over the happenings of our lives. I worry. I worry that my heart will get broken again, I worry I will disappoint people in my life, I worry when I am vulnerable, I worry I might fail. The fear passes though when I remember God is before me, that he is stronger than I. I put my palm against his and see the vastness of his hands. They cover me. God's hands are more than enough for me. They will not fail to hold me, they will not fail to strengthen me, they will not fail to heal, they will not fail to bring joy, they will not fail. My God will hold me. 

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