Wednesday July 25, 2012
I have spent this scorching Texas day hiding away in my house; scavenging through the boxes left over from my temporary move back home! After an awful 8 hour is finally finished and here I am thinking about how the steps we take to keep our lives moving are so crucial to our well-being. For example, my father passed away in March. Yes, my family and I could live there. We could pretend every day was March 15th; or even wish we could live in the days before that. We could keep his closet untouched, and his office exactly the way it was when he left that morning. We could cling to every material possession he had until our knuckles became stained with blue and purple bruises. But instead, we have made keepsakes out of key staples of his life (a quilt out of old clothes; a book with his letters; his ties given my my little brother), and the rest of his things my mom so lovingly tucked away in a dresser in her room, closed the door... took a breath and looked forward. She made his office her craft room, and his closet storage. We didn't not do this to forget him...but rather because we refused to become stagnate in our loss; frozen from our shock; bitter from our pain. It's this act of keeping our lives moving forward, that keep us flowing...a flowing river. And that flowing river rushes into a vivid ocean, with sparkling waters and a golden sun, and a moonlit night. Moving forward; getting rid of what is useless; letting go of what was...these actions keep us from holding on to hollow things; hollow things that died long long ago.
Want a full life?
Keep it moving. Pause for a time, if necessary... but don't stand still, wasting away your life collecting dirt and mold, covering your radiant beauty until your hidden under the murk that you allowed. Don't stop moving froward because things aren't going your way; because your job isn't going the way you envisioned, because your divorced, because your boyfriend or girlfriend left you, because someone you loved passed away, because you have cancer, because you are afraid, because you are angry, or insecure, or alone, or opposed....
Keep moving forward river...
Don't stay here for long
stand back up
brush the dirt off your shoulders
this is not where you belong.